Michael Braxton Sr New Wife

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  1. Michael Braxton Sr New Wife
  2. Michael Braxton Sr Affair
  3. Michael Braxton Sr New Wife Wanda

When we think of embarrassing parents Frankie, Keisha Cole’s mother is the first to come to mind. But if we really look at it, she does not have the market cornered on being a hot mess.

Michael Braxton Sr New Wife

Michael Braxton biography, parents, wife, kids, father, net worth. Jan 18, 2017. Michael (Mikey) Conrad Braxton Jr. Was born on November 17, 1968 in Maryland. He is native of Severn. His parents were Michael Braxton Sr.

Michael Braxton Sr Affair


Michael Braxton Sr New Wife Wanda

There are many of other Mamas and Papas that are equally embarrassing spectacles with sex scandles, inappropiate self-promotion and just down right betrayal. We all know that celebrities are rich, famous and secretly we envy them, but no one deserves this kind of treatment from the people that raised them–WTF. The original, bad dad Joe Jackson, showed up at the less than two weeks after death trying and promoted his new record label. Then there is Beyonce’s Dad, with all of his extra-maritial baby-mom drama. Doesn’t he know that she made a song called “” with lyrics that included: “I want my unborn son to be like my daddy. I want my husband to be like my daddy?” Now if you thought that this behavior is only for black people–no-no, Micheal Lohan has been on several media outlets recently playing the private phone conversations from his daughter while she begs for his help. ‘s mom, Debbie Nelson made a rap CD talking about their relationship and there is a soon to be book to follow.