DBAN is freeware that can do a Zero Fill for you. But you probably also can get such a tool free from the maker of your HDD, whatever company that is.
IF your HDD is from Seagate, get their Seatools. If it is from WD, get their Data LifeGuard.
Both of these are wide-capability diagnostic tool kits for their company's products, and both include a zero fill utility. Both Seatools and Data Lifeguard. Come in at least two optional forms, and you download the one you want. If you will run the utility package as an application under Windows on a working computer just to service a secondary HDD unit, get and install their 'For Windows' version. On the other hand, if you want a version that you can boot and run from with NO working HDD in your system, get their 'For DOS' version. This latter is actually a single.iso file, which is an image of a complete bootable CD.