Annie Ki Ayegi Baraat
Annie Ki Aayegi Baraat
Annie Ki Ayegi Baraat Episode 5
In the last two episodes of Annie Ki Aayegi Barat, there has been way too much happening and I am going to put it our right now that the drama is at point where it has to many characters and too many complications that the story is not coming as cohesive anymore. Some beloved characters like Sukhi Taka Nabeel are all missing in action. BUT all things aside I am so glad someone finally mentioned Faree-D’s long boots that have been bugging us all. Saima Chudary you won my heart when in last episode you said that “tu ghoora kithay park kar kay aye hain (where have you parked the horse). Take that Faree D. While last week’s episode spared us the Vicky -Laila track, majority of today’s episode continued on with Vicky and Laila’s jealous charades.